Media Studies

Media Arts advocacy poster/s

For a media arts advocacy poster, I explored the idea of media revealing the truth, or a truth. To extend this idea as something to be used at an electives night, I felt it best to consider how to create an experience for students, and really impress upon them the role of media revealing something to them that they cannot otherwise see and learn about the world. I wanted it to be something unexpected, and contain an action they would take when engaging with the work, that would lend itself to understanding the core of that idea. I also wanted it to be intriguing, to look good and be a little bit interesting to engage them. As it is for Media Arts, I also felt it was a great opportunity to try to make something that pushed the idea of creating a poster to make something on a screen.

In thinking about the revealing nature, I felt that something like a red reveal, combined with the action of putting on glasses to reveal the messages would impart the importance of revealing that truth. The glasses are labelled ‘media lens’ as above, with some fun shapes.

Below are the finished red reveal posters, without the glasses only the red writing is visible, I have added the revealed message for each of them in the caption. There were 6 themes that were chosen, revolving around the media responding and making categories.

Reveal: The media is the most powerful entity on earth – Malcolm X
Reveal: Per week, kids watch at home: 10 hours of internet, 5 hours of games 9 hours of television
Reveal: Literacy includes media literacy. Being able to decode media is an essential skill for the 21st Century
Reveal: Media constructs and communicates ideas using multiple methods. Animation, films, still images and games.
Reveal: More and more media use is media activity, passive media consumers are becoming active media producers.
Reveal: Electronica and print media is a conversation. The more voices the better. N Kathering Hales.

The posters worked well with the glasses on a screen from Illustrator and I tested it out on some target market age kids, who said it was interesting. As predicted they really enjoyed putting on the glasses and were excited to be able to read the secret words.

Target market with glasses on
This worked well in this trial, but could be improved in a larger space with posters on the walls, more screens and more messages and a call to action to sign up for media

I tried several ways to create this into a video, Premier Pro would not recognise the different pages, iMovie could read the different images, but does not have as many features. When images were put into Premier Pro, the CMYK settings were automatically changed to RGB, and the cyan lost it’s potency. It worked ok in iMovie, but when both were exported to YouTube and Vimeo, they lost the ability for them to be read by wearing glasses. So  I have combined these into a video where the red reveal appears after each quote. This could be played at an electives night and still be useful in conjunction with the posters and reach a wider audience. I imagine students would still be keen to try the glasses on and see if they can read the words on the posters.

I modified the video to add in that call to action. It could be a useful tool to trigger conversations with students, and is something that can be iterated and evolved over time, and needs to be observed how the audience engage with the topics and activity.


Carlsson, U, Tayie, S, Jacquinot-Delaunay, G & Tornero, JMP (eds) 2008, Empowerment through media education : an intercultural dialogue, International Clearinghouse on Children, Youth And Media, Nordicom, Göteborg University and Unesco, Göteborg.

Dezuanni, M, Chambers, S, Park, S & Notley, T 2021, “Less than half of Australian adults know how to identify misinformation online,” The Conversation, retrieved from <>.

Morgan, R 2020, “Even before COVID-19, Young Australians were spending more time on the internet at home than watching TV or playing/talking to friends,” Roy Morgan, retrieved May 6, 2021, from <>.

McLuhan, M., Fiore, Q., & Agel, J. (1967). The medium is the massage. New York, Bantam Books.

“N. Katherine Hayles Quote” A-Z Quotes, retrieved May 7, 2021, from <>.

Learning designer, digital designer and educator with extensive experience teaching creative subjects. Qualifications include: MA in Teaching (Secondary), MA Creative Media (Multimedia), BA Arts (Fine Art), Dip. Training Design and Development, Dip. Vocational Education and Training, Cert IV Training and Assessment